Our Services

Below are the plan options we offer (all pools are serviced once per week):

(PLEASE NOTE: these plans are presented as a guide, services may occasionally deviate from these patterns, depending on circumstances regarding your pool from week to week. Prices are based on an average sized, 10,000-12,000 gallon, screened in pool. Larger pools, unscreened pools, and additional services requested will cause prices to increase.)

Chemicals are included in all of our plans as part of regular service. (Leaks, and new fill water excluded)

Minimum Service Plan - Starting at $88/month*

  • We check and balance chemicals weekly.
  • We scrub the water line with our tile brush weekly.
  • We may briefly skim the pool for debris.
  • We clean your filter every 4-6 weeks.
You can expect a short service, typically no longer than 5-7 minutes weekly. For salt pools, checking and cleaning salt cells is an extra service.
*This plan is contingent on the customer keeping up with brushing and debris removal. Pricing may change depending on chemical demand.  If algae forms and needs to be brushed and treated, additional charges may incur.

Basic Service Plan - Starting at $115/month

  • We check and balance chemicals weekly.
  • We scrub the water line with our tile brush weekly.
  • We will use our brush to push dirt and grit into the main drain as needed, and skim the water surface and scoop larger debris from the pool with our net.
  • Vacuuming is not included. 
  • We clean your filter once per month.
You can expect an average-length service, typically between 8-15 minutes weekly. 
For salt pools, checking and cleaning salt cells is included.

Quality Service Plan - Starting at $125/month

  • We check and balance chemicals weekly.
  • We scrub the water line with our tile brush weekly.
  • Vacuuming is done one time per month.
  • On weeks when we are not vacuuming, we will use our brush to push any dirt and grit into the main drain, and skim the water surface and scoop larger debris from the pool with our net.
  • We clean your filter once per month.
You can expect a longer service, typically between 10-20 minutes weekly. 
For salt pools, checking and cleaning salt cells is included.

Premium Service Plan - Starting at $140/month

  • We check and balance chemicals weekly.
  • We scrub the water line with our tile brush weekly.
  • Vacuuming is done every other week, with brushing on weeks in between.
  • We clean your filter once per month.
You can expect a longer service, typically between 15-25 minutes weekly. 
For salt pools, checking and cleaning salt cells is included.

Ultimate Service Plan - Starting at $160/month

  • We check and balance chemicals weekly.
  • We scrub the water line with our tile brush weekly.
  • Vacuuming is done weekly, walls and floor will be brushed as needed.
  • We clean your filter weekly.
You can expect a lengthy service, typically between 20-30 minutes weekly. 
For salt pools, checking and cleaning salt cells is included.

For more information about how business is conducted, please be sure to take a look at our Terms of Service by clicking here.